Month: April 2017

I made my ESPN radio debut last week.  I didn’t want to.  It was before the NBA playoffs started, baseball is so new the Reds are good, and fuck hockey.  I never listen to Bomani Jones.  It’s not personal, I’ve enjoyed him on Around the Horn and the Dan LeBatard and His Dad Show.

This time, I jumped in my car and didn’t pay much attention to what I was listening to.  Suddenly, I realized Bomani was carrying on about one of my all-time favorites, Kobe Bean Bryant.  He was explaining to the people that Kobe’s last NBA game was a farce, he wasn’t good even though he went for 60.  I couldn’t disagree.  He then tried to start explaining the rest of Kobe’s career which was of course one of the best of all time.

Here’s when shit got crazy though.  Bo decided to say that when Kobe was a rookie, and the Lakers were in the playoffs, I believe against the cheating-ass-John Stockton-led Jazz, when Kobe threw up some of the worst air-ball last shots ever, that he was the only person on the team willing to take those shots.

I nearly drove off the road.  Bomani Jones gets paid to talk about basketball!?!?!  Come now Mr. Jones.  This must be what the Counting Crows were singing about when they said Mr. Jones and me tell each other fairy tales.

That is some serious revisionist history to try and bolster a career that needs no bolster.  I called in.  I had to.  I didn’t expect an answer, but soon enough, Bomani said, “Let’s go to Ryan in Montana.”  I was nervous and not as smooth as this will sound, but I needed to be clear. On that team, willing to take that shot, and based on the fact that Kobe was barely able to buy a cigarette, more ready to take that shot were:

  • Corey Blount
  • Eldon Campbell
  • Sean Rooks
  • Derek Fisher (Who Sucked)
  • Travis Night (Who somehow didn’t suck)
  • Jerome Kersey
  • Eddie Jones

And…Three guys who proved they should have taken the shots based on the fact that if Del Harris could have hung onto that job he’d be in the Hall of Fame and potentially blowing up the Knicks right now:

  • Big Shot Robert Horry
  • Showtime Laker Byron Scott
  • The Most Underrated Clutch Shooter of All Time – Nick – muther-fucking – Van Exel (I didn’t say that, you can’t say that on ESPN Radio)

Bomani gave me no credit.  LeBatard would have agreed, if he cared about sports.

Peace and Love…Peace and Love




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Peace and Love…Peace and Love